Well, Mom to tell you the truth I was nervous to make the call home, too. I did not want to call home, but I remembered that Sam did not want to call home either. So I deceided I was ok to call home. It has not made me homesick at all. It was just good to hear yours and dad’s voices.
So today we went to the temple and I got to play B-ball, it was a lot of fun.
So tonight we are having a luau - we are dancing. I am not happy about that. But I am taking one for the team. We are going to have food and I will be talking and dancing. I will be happy when this is all over.
Mom and Dad, I love you for all that you do for me. I am grateful to have great parents that love me, and want me to be happy. I know what you are doing back home is so important - being a Bishop and his wife is a great calling to have. Yes, at times it is hard. “No one said it would be easy, only that it would be worth it.” I am grateful that we can be a family forever. Mom and Dad, I always put your names in the temple.
I LOVE YOU ALL VERY MUCH! It was great to talk to you all.
Love, Sister Musick
Hurrah for Israel!